The goal of an educational leader is to inspire and motivate those under his/her charge to excel beyond their perceived limitations to become all they are capable of becoming. Leadership is a privilege and an honor, and also a tremendous responsibility. My philosophy of leadership is one of collaboration, teamwork and consensus where all members of the team can utilize the group’s collective strengths to counter individual weaknesses and achieve at optimal levels. Great leaders know they are significantly limited in isolation and that when power is shared their effectiveness is greatly increased.

True leaders are the catalyst of change, not the change itself. A leader is someone who not only hears, but also listens. He uses this information to help chart a path and articulate a unified vision for the organizations to enhance all community stakeholders. Once the course is charted, the effective leader ensures unwavering implementation until the plan is brought to fruition. Integrity is also a key facet of my leadership philosophy. No one can be a successful leader without people believing him and the veracity of his words. Over time, the leader’s body of work will define his beliefs and serve as record of his decision making process. Leader with integrity present consistent patterns of behavior and are always guided by what is the best interest of those they lead. 

"You can accomplish anything in life as long as you don't mind who gets the credit."
~Harry S. Truman